Green Flag vs Red Flag
Green Flag and Red flag are one of the new buzz words that we see making rounds on social media. We have come cross various content on online about this and we hear many individuals talk about it. The common phrases that one comes across is " They are a green flag because..." or " They are a red flag because....." . All of this just comes down to determining if a person is good or bad. But I have an interesting approach to this. I was hearing a podcast few days back, and what they shared was that all individuals are on a spectrum of being a red and a green flag. They said that most of us try to be on the green flag of spectrum rather than the red. I agree with them. A person is not a green flag due to one quality and one isn't a red flag based on one quality. I believe most of us want to be good and we try to be on the green flag spectrum rather than the red one. We often judge ourselves or others to unrealistic standards which leads us to being harsh to others...