Black and White or Grey?

When I was younger, it was quite easy for me to distinguish what is right and what is not. I did not struggle to make that difference but as I am getting older, it has become harder for me to understand what is right and what is wrong. I still hold on to my dear values but I still struggle to distinguish between the two. I don't know if this is a part of growing up or is it something that I am experiencing by myself. 

What I mean when I say that I struggle to distinguish is that I mean that I find it hard to understand the difference between who is a good person or a bad person? Are we all good? Are we all bad ? Or is good or bad subjective and depends person to person? If someone does not share a view like mine does that person become bad? This are the few thoughts that have kept me up many nights and I don't understand what I am supposed to feel. 
A person who is genuinely good but has certain different values, should I consider them as good person or will I call my bad. When I talk about values I refer to certain habits that one has, things that one engages in and how they respond to certain scenarios. It may seem that I am convey that being different is bad but I am far away from it. I am struggling to determine if someone is good or bad, in terms of how do I make an opinion of them. Where do I store them in my brain? Are they someone who I could trust or someone who I shouldn't trust?

I think as I am getting older, relationships and my association with them is becoming complicated. Maybe things are not supposed be black and white, there are certain things that are grey. 

Thank You 💝

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