

          TRIGGER Warning: I am going to be discussing few topics that might be triggering to many people. If body issues are triggering to you, please click away right now. 

Since we are young we are convinced by the society that few things are normal and anything beyond that is abnormal, that goes with bodies too. We are convinced that one body type is the only type that is beautiful and only one body type is enough. But god has so many types with so many flaws, are all of them ugly, all of them not enough. 

This often leads to us having low self esteem about ourselves. I also do have those days but I have different analogy for this. Couple of days back someone made comments on my body that I did not like and usually my process is to avoid food for few days and then get back to normal. But today I have a complete different analogy about it. I am honestly proud of how I dealt with it this time. Instead of hating my body, I thought my body has never judged, never stopped and always let me be the person I am irrespective of how loud I am, how annoying I can get or how stupid I can be. 

Think about it yourselves,has your body ever stopped you from something, some might say yes. Of course everyone's body stops at you at some time when you are in trouble because that is its job. But has your body every stopped you from eating that delicious cup cake, yes you might resist yourself but it is your mind who stops you, not your body. You still salivate don't you, you still feel hungry even when your mind doesn't let you eat. What I am trying to say is, your body is one part of you that has never judged you, never stopped you{ unless it were in an actual danger} then why are we spending our lives hating it. Think about it has your body ever come in the way of your success. I know mine hasn't .

This is something I want to tell my body:

"I am so proud of everything that you have done for me since day 1. You never judged me, you let me be  the chaotic, energetic and creative person I am. Thank you for all the time that you have handled me. And I am sorry that sometimes I got carried away by comments and did not take care of you. You are enough. I promise to take care of you, exercise you more to not become thinner but instead become stronger and more fierce."

I wish my 13 year old saw this growth in me , I know she would be proud 🥰

Thank You 💟 


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