Procrastination 101
Wait, let me just write it later, no, no I will be able to do this one night before. This is too simple of a task, I can do this tomorrow.
Do this phrases sound too familiar? If they do then congratulation, you are officially an professional procrastinator. It sounds cool, but honestly it isn't . Procrastination isn't something that is fun or something to be proud of really.
Procrastinating once in a while is okay, like we are humans and there are times that we delay our work. But always pushing our work ahead, isn't something that will be beneficial in the long run. I am pretty sure most people who are reading this blog are students, and more often than not we have done our assignments a night before, or studied one night before and managed to do it well. But this isn't going to be the best habit as we grow older and start our profession.
I know it may too early for some to even think about work and career. But some of habits that cultivate now, will show up in our professional life. I do remember watching a video of billionaire, Bill Gates, where he discusses how his habit of procrastination in his undergraduate years, have been proved to be harmful to him as he joined the workforce. He later on, had to put on effort to leave this habit of his. It did take a lot of efforts for him, to leave such a nasty habit. To this day, he yet struggles with this habit of his.
I know some may be wondering, if Bill Gates was a procrastinator and turned to be a billionaire, then so could you or someone who is a procrastinator. I am not denying that it may not happen, it could, I do not know. But we shouldn't be cultivating bad habits from such people, instead we need to learn to take on good habit. Because what worked for them may not necessarily work out for you.
So please, all of you, if you have any pending task left right now. Please go do it now.
Thank You💜