Why is our Education System (Not) So Awesome ? Part 1

 This blog is a personal view and I know there might be people who would oppose it and that is totally alright, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This blog is based on my experience on education system. 

Do I think that  Education is not important? No. I personally believe education is very important because that is what liberates all of us. It makes us independent, makes us stronger and helps us understand the world around us better. But do I believe that the way we are getting education is messed up? Yes, I strongly believe that. 

I honestly think our education system is like those advertised "One Size fits all Jeans", one size of jean cannot fit all people and that is true with education as well. One teaching style cannot be suited for all individuals, each individual is different and requires different ways of being taught. Honestly since I was a child it was very difficult for me to cope with my studies, I hated sitting in one place and learning about subjects that I could care less about. I remember the excitement I used to have during  English classes because that was the only class where I could be myself, I could express my wildest thoughts through essays, and the process was enjoyable. Everyone is expected to sit in classes and listen to boring lectures all day and this process should "Educate" one's mind. This is necessary not true, not everyone enjoys the process of listening and producing the same information in paper for marks. It feels like we are testing our memory strength rather than actually learning something new and exciting. 

Education should make you more confident, more bold.  I remember feeling the opposite in school. I struggled really hard, the things that teacher said half the time did not make sense to me and it quite never excited me. That is why learning and studying has always been a process that isn't very enjoyable even if the material I may be learning actually interesting. To top it off I had peers would behave as if they owned the world, only because they had better.                "Memory Retention" than most of us. Memory Retention is an important skill in future but that is not the only skill we require in order to cope up with our daily lives. 

That brings me to my next point, we actually don't learn skills that are required in school. We literally learn information which mostly is useless.  Some may say that going to school taught us "Skills", I do agree with that. I did learn skills like teamwork, compromise etc from school activities, but those were learned beyond the classroom experience. And often this experiences were not  taken seriously by schools, they were just done in order to show that the school was a good "School". 

I think the blog is getting a little too long, I will end with a last point and continue this topic  in my next blog. The information we learn in schools, for example, history was one of my favourite subjects and I remember sometimes thinking what is the point of learning is content, because it was too long. But many years later, I realised history is a very important subject but not the information that we learned in History textbooks. So much can be uncovered about our social situations if we understood our past better.  History textbooks discuss the invasion of India by Britishers but it is just of how is happened, but how did it change India permanently as a country; it's economic, social and cultural impact. I remember reading pages on how it happened but reading just one para on how it's affect us today.  Understanding the Britisher's invasion's impact is so important as we can still see it's impact.  This is just an example. Even if schools wants to focus on theoretical material , focus on information that would help us understand our society better.  Not information that adds  nothing to our lives.

Thank You 💙


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