Why is our Education System (Not) So Awesome ? Part 2
I personally feel that our education system rooted the idea of hustle culture in our minds since we were younger. Think about it, think about our school routines were and are still continuing with the future generations. It could be either, one where one would go to school for 6-8 hours, then maybe 2 hours of tuition to help out the student, and then the student was expected to self study for at least 2 hours OR one would go to school for 6-8 hours, then the student had to spent time on hobby that he might or might not like and then self study for 2 hours. The 2nd option may sound very relaxing or rather fun but in total honestly both the options left the student overworked. Routines should include many things like self care, relaxation, spending time with family and friends. Balance is important. Life becomes worth living only when all components of it are included in our day to day routines, in a balance.
Schools should let off children little earlier, maybe school duration should be reduced to 4-6 hours per day, this would allow students to include many more aspects to their life which would be beneficial in making a person more happier.
I think this may be the last problem that I would like to discuss in my blog. In our education system in general, lot of focus was put on theoretical knowledge rather than practical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is important but so is practical knowledge, one cannot build themselves if they don't know the practical use of the knowledge they are learning. Half heartedly efforts are made by schools and colleges to include more practical learning in classes by introducing a subject called as "Open Elective". This subjects are supposed to promote more of a "Holistic Learning", but i honestly feel like the purpose has been defeated, because most of the learning includes memorising some content which will be forgotten as soon as the examination is over. This is pointless. In order to add more practical classes, various experiments, educational outings etc should be added to the curriculum.
Schools, Colleges, educational institutions should allocate some it's resources to develop a curriculum which is balanced in nature and helps in nurturing all aspects of an individual