The Love Fizz


I have no idea how this blog is going to turn out as it is one of the most random one that I am writing. I thought of this idea during my class and I haven't stopped since. Okay, here goes nothing. This is the month of love. Everywhere we go we see couples being happy and we see shops trying to sell their products with the backdrop of love. But is love just another marketing strategy? I know very bold statement to make but we live in a time where consumerism is everything. If it doesn't sell, it probably isn't good enough. But that is a another blog idea. The main purpose of this blog is to discuss is to discuss young love stories, specifically the one that are blooming in this day and time. 

I personally think love can make you stronger, better and happier. But currently the way "Love" is being portrayed, expressed or shown is not at all healthy for anyone. Let's say a person is a can of soda, Coca Cola{cause personal favourite}, they have been shook completely by various aspects of life, it could literally be anything, family problems, college/academic issues etc. When one tries to open such a soda, everything fizzes out. Everything has spilt out, nothing is left in the can. It is empty and it happened very quickly. It is of no use, you have to refill it all over again. 

But now again, when a can of soda has been shaken very aggressively but instead of being opened that very second, it is given some time to cool off, wouldn't the soda come out lot more peacefully, lot more calmly. The soda doesn't spill out instead it comes out more peacefully, it has a better movement. 

If we can wait couple of moments for a soda to cool off, why cannot we wait for sometime to heal ourselves before being in love. I am not saying that one cannot be loved if they are not healed but they can love and receive love in the best manner only when you are in the process of healing yourself. Heal yourself and don't rush into anything child, you have your whole life to figure out everything. 

Thank You 💖

-Yours Truly, 


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