Self Acceptance and Self Love.
This post will include some poetry. All these poems will be based on the theme of Self Love and Self Acceptance. Self Acceptance and Self Love have been the theme of my blogs for a long time. These topics do interest me because I have been on my path of Self Love and Self Acceptance. It has led me to have a lot of mental breakdowns but I cannot give up on this path. Any of you in same place as me, I request all of you to not to give up on this path. I know it is so hard but please do not give up. This is one of the most important things in your life. I really hope you succeed in this path.
A Stronger Beauty
I often have given my heart to pretty strangers,
Pretty strangers who I thought would keep it like their own,
But I often misread their gestures of friendship,
As there promises of keeping my heart.
But as my heart broke time and again,
I started giving my stronger heart,
Not to a pretty stranger,
But to a stronger beauty.
This stronger beauty had no gestures,
But I still gave it my heart.
It silently continues to love me,
More than any other pretty stranger.
A Garden is beautiful,
Not only because of a Rose,
But also because of a Sunflower,
You may be a Rose,
You may be a Sunflower,
But you are beautiful.
The last poem I will be talking about is not necessarily about Self Love or Self Acceptance, but something more personal to me. A poem about being blind to your own wroth.
Power is a gift of god,
All have it,
So do I,
But I am blind.
Sometimes because of others,
As they put their sand of success,
Into my eyes,
Making me blind of my own wroth.
Sometimes because of myself,
As I get too scared,
To open the blinds,
Making myself more blind.
Sometimes to play the victim,
To show the new world,
The evils of the old society,
But by still being blind.
Thank You.💓