
 I would like to apologise to all my readers, for not posting last week. I had a lot on my plate last week, due to which I could not write and post a blog. But I am back this week and I promise this blog will be good too. 

What is beauty? Can someone come up with a definite definition of beauty. Someone may say a person's name and say that is the definition of beauty. According to me that is not how you define beauty. I believe beauty is not a person, nor an object but rather a feeling. A feeling an individual gets when they look at something or someone. 

These days beauty is defined by looking a certain way, wearing certain things or speaking a certain way. But I think this things are superficial. I think nothing is beautiful, nothing is ugly, it is just question of perspective. Let me give you an example, there is a piece of art, some may find it beautiful but some may not. If you question the group of people who did not like the art, the comments you will get are negative. If you question the group of people who liked the art, the comments you will get are positive. But does this change the art in any way, no. The art is the art, irrespective of what you say about it. It hold its value, in the way it is supposed to. 

Humans are same like the piece of art, except art can hold its value, irrespective of what people comment on it. Humans cannot. Humans change themselves to fit the standards of society, without understanding that people will comment on you irrespective of what they do. They may be a 'perfect' size of the society but people will still call them names.They may have 'perfect' life but people will still call them names.

People need to start realising the word "Beauty" does not have any definition. The society may tell you that this is beautiful or that is ugly. But all things are just a question of perspective. Our perspective is shaped by our cultures, our family, our friends, media etc. Now anytime you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself ugly, just think. Think of why you call yourself ugly. It may be because you hear people's comments or maybe because you think looking like a certain person is only beautiful. But whatever your answer is, it is wrong, you are beautiful. ,

Thank you💚


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