Motivation is usually of two types: Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Intrinsic is the internal motivation. In this the individual is internally motivated to do their task and individual enjoys the task. In extrinsic is the external motivation. In this the individual is motivated to a task, when they know that they will be rewarded at the end of the task. This kind of motivation is primarily based on external rewards.
When we look at today's society, more individuals are driven by extrinsic motivation rather than intrinsic motivation. People do not enjoy the task they are doing but rather do the task for a reward. Students are awarded with appreciation, awards, gifts from their parents or schools for getting good grades. This practice is beneficial for making students more hardworking and making them more motivated to learn. But these becomes a problem because students are conditioned to see learning as a boring task, for which they will be awarded an interesting reward. On the contrary, the process of learning should be seen as a rewarding process. By making learning a rewarding process, the student does not have to put any extra efforts in order to start learning content, the learning process only would excite them.I have personally perceived academic learning as a burden, rather than reward. It has always been like if do well I will be rewarded and if do poorly I would be punished. These has made academics a bit harder for me and every time I have to study, I have to spent quite amount of time, motivating myself.
But now can we change extrinsic motivation to inartistic motivation ? Instead of getting motivated by external factors, can we motivate ourselves by using internal factors? Let's take the same example of learning.
Instead of waiting for a reward for learning a subject or a concept for few hours, we could instead make ourselves curious about the subject. We could use various skills and techniques to make the subject more interesting. We could change our ways to look at a certain subject. Instead of considering a subject hard or boring, we could look at it in a more positive light. We could start asking ourselves more and more questions about the topic and excite ourselves to search for the answers. This would not only motivate us to learn but also as we ask more questions, our ability to retain information becomes easier.