Everyone wants perfection, everyone wants to have a picture perfect life. This "Perfect life" that people want, usually does not come easy and people get into this chase of reaching "Perfection". In the process of this chase, people forget to live their actual lives. The beautiful lives they have been blessed with.
I would just want to ask all these people who run for this "Perfection", Are you really happy ? Do you enjoy this chase?
This chase which may not necessarily take you to your world of "Perfection".
When I use the word chase, I do not refer hard work people put in to achieve their dreams. But I refer to the chase where people do not stop for a second. This chase is unnecessary, they try to get something higher than what they have but forget to look at what they already have.
This may sound like I have problem with people aiming for better. My problem isn't with such people but in reality is with such people, who are always upset with their life. The reason for their happiness is that they believe that they have not done something in their life, just because they have not achieved their version of "Successes". In reality this people would have achieved a lot but they fail to see their successes just because they have not reached that"Perfection", that "Success".
I am not in favour for this kind of mentality. Life does not necessarily go in accordance to way a person wants. I know it is upsetting when you do not get what you want. But some times in those moments instead of thinking what we do not have, why cannot we think of what we already have. Why cannot we think of how we can make best out of that situation?
I would like to end this essay with just a simple quote,
"Everything comes to you in the right moment, be patient, be grateful"
- Buddha