Let's set ourselves Free.

Let's set ourselves Free.

You see yourself stuck in a pit, 

You see the open sky, 

But you do not know

How can you get there.

Your friends, your family,

Give you suggestion.

But it gets you only halfway,

And you hit rock bottom, again.

You get more help,

But you're still stuck there.

That is  when it hits you, 

Your are the only one,

Who can get yourself out. 

But then you do not trust yourself, 

You do not know how to get out,

You think this is your fate, 

You think you will be stuck here forever, 

Even without trying. 

But one day, 

You do built up the courage.

The courage to do something. 

You reach halfway, 

But again you hit rock bottom. 

But you're not discouraged. 

Instead you're encouraged. 

You try harder and you're finally free. 

You feel the wind, 

You see the blue sky,

The fears in your mind flee. 

The fear of falling down, 

Does not scare you anymore. 

Because you know that , 

You will set yourself  free again.

Thank you 💕


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