Just a Thought.

   Few days back, I was having a mental breakdown, like any other day. But that day I  had a  legit reason. I had ended a toxic friendship. I am not getting into details of that because that is personal. Now whenever I am having issues with moving on over person or a situation, I write. I literally write every detail of this person or situation. I was doing the same with the person, I wrote about how  I met this person and how we became friends, etc. I did not go to far of writing this and there something I realised. I knew this person was toxic for a long time but I still wanted to be close to this person. Now that got me thinking. Why are people attracted to toxicity? 

With a bit of analysis, I came up with an answer. I would like to compare people to magnets.I use the word 'People' to talk about the majority of people that I have seen in my life. Magnets are interesting objects and they like any object have a certain characteristics to them. Magnets have two poles, the south and the north. The south being positive and the north being the negative. Another interesting characteristics about magnets, the opposite poles attract each other. But now you may wonder how is this related to people?

If I were to categorise people, I would do it in three categories- the positives, the negatives and the neutral. The positives bring in happiness in the world of despair, the negatives bring in sadness in the world of joy and neutrals bring in  neutrality into the world of neutral. I may not understand why  opposite poles attract each other but I do  partially understand why opposite humans attract. I have had limited existence on this earth and I understand limited about people, but here me out when I say this. The reason opposites attract each other, is because they want to become neutral. 

The naturally neutral people are the kinds that hear something negative and try to find something positive. When they hear something positive, they try to find something negative. But this has very little influence on them. They mostly put on their focus and energy on themselves and how they can be better people. 

Negatives and positives, aahhh, my mind hurts when I think of them . They are strange people in their own ways.  The negatives usually are unknown to their own worth and do not have any interest in finding it. The positives are ones that have the most potential but they themselves fail to see it. The negatives knows this facts and sticks onto the positives and stuck their positivity out. This makes the positives seem like weaker people and the negatives the stronger.

Now this may seem like being a neutral person is a better idea but sadly it is not. Imagine if the world was neutral, that definitely would be boring. There would be no power dynamics, no leaders, no heroes, imagine a world with NO HEROES!!!!The real solution or the real message I am trying to deliver is that let's all just understand our own worth. Understand out our potential, I know that is a difficult path but we all need to walk that path. 



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