Can we really run away from Madness?

 All of us are prisoners, no, not the kind that go to prison for our crimes but the ones to our mind. Our minds are our jailers, and we it's prisoner.

Like every other jailer  our mind is cruel to us , calls us mean things, tells our worth lower than it actually is  but we are not as strong as criminals. Instead, we are extremely weak. We usually believe what our jailer tells  us and sometimes we do things to ourselves that harm us. Harm ourselves in a way that we cannot pick ourselves up and we cannot  become the same person we were as before. 

There are individuals among us who run away from their prisons, like those mischievous and rebellious criminals. But is running away solution to our madness? Like those rebellious criminals these individuals commit crimes, crimes of the worst kind, mental torture.  The victims of these prisoners usually grow up to become real criminals, they start committing actual crime and end up going to actual jails. This cycle of madness goes on for a long time and this running away, continues. This cycle goes on forever and often the jailors are the winners. 

In recent times,  a new science has been established to stop this madness, psychology. But can this science go against the cycle of life? No one really knows but should that be a reason why we should not take of our minds, no. Never stop caring for your mind because sometimes we become prisoners to our mind for a reason.

 Thank you💗

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